Name: CHENG Cho-Tak, Joe/Dickson


Duration and Status in Lam¡¦s Lab: 5-9/2001 as student ¡¥helper¡¦


Academic Profile: B.Sc. (2001-2005, CUHK)


Current Status: I will study Postgraduate diploma in professional accounting in CU in the coming August for 1 year


Contact Phone Numbers: 63541633




Other Remarks:


Despite I stayed in 94 for very short time, I have many happy memory associated with 94

I remember the days when Dr. Lam and lab mates were enjoying the cake together.

I remember the days when I was seeing the beauty and the growth of Arabidopsis seeding.

I remember the day when I talked to Prof. Hall at the conference.

I remember the day when Francisca stick a paper written with ¡¥I am tired, dun interrupt me¡¦ on the back of the sleeping Ming (or Big Helen) in AOE¡K¡K


I agree with Bill that Dr. Lam lab displayed high tolerance towards unproductive (and even destructive) undergraduate students. So, I have to type a BIG THANKS to Dr Lam. Without his help, I could not get graduated and get through the harsh time.


In addition, I have to say thanks or show admiration to:

l          Iris, the ¡¥Mother¡¦ of G94, for her continued effort on maintaining smooth running of G94

l          Rainbow for her teaching on RNA extraction and how to read a paper. I hope I would be needed to introduce Kumon to you and Iris as soon as possible.

l          Big Helen for her teaching on how to rinse seed, and her kindness to talk with me. Hope her job in Ice lab would be rewarding.

l          Ming for her continued hardworking and great support to all 94er. Hope you no longer be called as ¡¥sick¡¦ Ming. Good health and long life is critical for getting Nobel price.

l          Ling for her greatness as the ¡¥Northern empress¡¦. Hope you could get out of the field and back to your Northern kingdom as soon as possible.

l          Cherry for her kind and patience on teaching me. She actually taught me more than Bill. Hope she had get used to England weather.

l          Louise for her frankness on pointing out my weakness inside the MTR. Hope she would enjoy of being a nurse in the coming future.

l          Francisca for her ability to create happiness inside the lab. Although I didn¡¦t laugh together at that time, I laugh inside my heart. Hope your cheerfulness be continued.

l          May for her care and help offered to me during the lab session. Hope you would get promoted like Lawrence as soon as possible.

l          Little Helen, Emily & Ah sin for their passion on biology. Hope their passion be continued.

l          Anna for her advice on how to have good life during exchange.

l          Jacky for his chatting with me on the bus 74A

l          Typhoon for her kind reminding on my misconduct inside the lab

l          Stephen for his interaction with Cherry and Bill. This had already taught me something.

l          Man for her acceptance for me to help her PCR.

l          Yan for her hardworking and her help on improving my Mandarin listening skills.

l          Ann for her excellent result in both academic and lab work.

Last, but not least. I have to type another big THANKs to Bill. By observing how he behaved, many things were learnt. Hope his research on small RNA be successful.


Finally, I have to say thanks to all of the people that had interacted with me. Your tolerance on the misconduct of a rush person is highly appreciated.


Have a good day,


Joe Cheng